12th OB Appointment

First off-9 more days until her due date!! Not that it means a whole lot but it does mean time is getting closer at least :)

Well today marked our 12th OB appointment, could it really be that Ive been to the OB that many times in such a short amount of time? Guess it all adds up quickly.

Well today wasnt much news. Heartbeat is at 155 bpm. Chad is usually so good at guessing the heartbeat but her heart rate has gone up a lot its usually in the 130-140 range but a little more active today:)

Doctor checked me and Im 30% effaced and no dialation yet. We go back next Thursday to see if there is anymore progress and if not we will probably start discussing induction since Ill be 39 wks by then. My doctor had thought with the really bad contractions on Monday (they were mighty intense!) that maybe some dialation had occurred but none yet.

Chad keeps saying that she will come out on Tuesday (May 25th) well see if he is right or not. Ive told her that she couldn't come out Monday (our anniversary-May 24th) because she needs to have her own day but knowing her she will come out then just because I said not to.

Last day of full days is tomorrow and then we have two half days next week (last day for kids is Monday, then teacher work day is Tuesday) and I will officially be done with school on Tuesday cant wait! So if I can make it to then, I wont have to take a day of vacation and I can save them all for next year which will be nice because Im sure there will be days she will be sick that I want to stay home with her :)

Tonight was Morgans 2nd graduation in 1 week, so special to see the kids I taught graduate and the girl that I had for my speech class got salutatorian and she did a wonderful job I think, its amazing to hear her give her speech and know the kind of speeches she gave at the beginning of the year when she started out, maybe she learned a thing or two in class :)

Well its off to bed so I can start my last full day tomorrow, school year is winding down then its time to meet Miss Morgan!


Leah said...

You are getting so close! I hope that body of yours continues progressing and she comes right on time. . . if not a few days early. :)

Onna said...

Wow. You are really coming upon the date.

YAY for school almost being out and just you wait until you get to hold her in your arms! Won't be long!!!

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